
About the Academy

The Delaware Climate Leadership Academy is a DNREC-sponsored initiative established to provide foundational and continuing education on climate risk assessment, planning and solutions for state and local government officials, infrastructure executives and business leaders.

Established in 2022 by Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), in partnership with the Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO), the Academy will support the work of Delaware state agencies and partners to implement the state’s Climate Action Plan. The Academy’s programming will enable a community of climate-smart government and infrastructure leaders to network and develop solutions.

Through guidance from leaders in a multi-agency steering committee, the Academy’s programming will deliver virtual training programs statewide. The Academy will advance professional competencies to integrate climate change into decision-making across sectors and occupations.

Climate change poses some of the most critical risks and opportunities for our generation and generations to come. The need to deploy leaders and a workforce to meet this challenge is clear and present.

Delaware’s ability to effectively slow and counter climate change will ensure the health, security and economic prosperity of Delaware communities and businesses both in the short- and long-term.


DNREC has established a steering committee that will provide guidance and direction for strategic planning, curriculum and program offerings.

Agencies on the Steering Committee

DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy
DNREC Division of Air Quality
Delaware Emergency Management Agency
Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination
Delaware Department of Insurance
Delaware Department of Transportation
Delaware Department of Education

Taking this course was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I learned a lot and I’ve been sharing information with my colleagues, friends, and family. Some of them had no idea how serious [climate change] is.
– Dana Wise (Delaware Div. of the Arts)

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