
Final Plan of Remedial Action for 17399, 17403, 17439 S. DuPont Highway Site (DE-1791)

Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances

Published: Dec. 7, 2022

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the 17399, 17403, 17439 S. DuPont Highway Site (DE-1791) located at 17399, 17403, and 17439 S. DuPont Highway in Harrington, Delaware. Historically, the Site was utilized by Coastal Pump & Tank since at least the 1970s. Coastal Pump and Tank operations include service and maintenance of underground storage tank (UST) systems which likely included the handling and transportation of petroleum products at the Site. Operations related petroleum release occurred on the property in 1994. However, a 14-year bioremediation plan addressed the impacted soils and concluded in 2008.

The Site will be subject to the following remedial actions: characterize remaining contents of unused drums and ASTs for proper disposal; excavate soil/fill material located at sample location COMP-2 for proper disposal; groundwater use restrictions; compliance with a contaminated materials management plan; and compliance with a long term stewardship plan

DNREC issued a public notice of the Proposed Plan of Remedial Action (Proposed Plan) for the 17399, 17403, 17439 S. DuPont Highway Site on November 9, 2022. There were no comments or questions from the public regarding the Proposed Plan. Details of the Final Plan are available online at:

For additional information, please contact Kevin Popowich, the DNREC Project Manager at (302) 395-2600 or via email at
