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 Pages Tagged With: "emergency response"

Accidental Release Prevention

The DNREC Accidental Release Prevention (ARP) Program ensures that facilities that use Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) maintain Risk Management Plans (RMP).

Contact Us

Anuj Kumar Program Manager II Prevention and Preparedness Section 302-395-2523
Facilities regulated by

State Emergency Response Team

The State Emergency Response Team (SERT) responds to releases of oil and hazardous materials including non-fixed facility radiological releases in the State of Delaware. Incidents can range from transportation-related spills to major threats such as weapons of mass destruction. The SERT consists of the DNREC Emergency Response Team, the Delaware Emergency Management

Responding to Environmental Emergencies

The DNREC Emergency Response Branch is responsible for responding to petroleum and hazardous materials incidents in the state. Incidents can range from transportation-related spills to major threats such as weapons of mass destruction.

Contact Us

Adam Kooker State Emergency Prevention and Response Chief

Emergency Response and Strategic Services

The DNREC Emergency Response and Strategic Services Section oversees emergency response, accidental release prevention, emergency planning and community right-to-know, and boiler safety programs. It assists with public communications and manages financial and paralegal support for the Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances.

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