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 Pages Tagged With: "poultry"

General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Permits

A list of farms that have applied for coverage under the NPDES General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation permit for large, medium and designated poultry operations with land-application of manure.

Draft NPDES CAFO General Permit: Large, Medium, Designated Non-Poultry & Diversified CAFOs – Manure Generation and Land Application Facilities

DNREC and Department of Agriculture are providing public notice for the Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Large, Medium, Designated Non-Poultry & Diversified Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) – Manure Generation and Land Application Facilities.

Federal Consistency Determinations: USDA FSA Poultry Operation

The USDA proposes to subordinate its lien to another lender in order for the other lender to finance construction of two poultry houses, a generator shed, a manure shed/composter, and other related infrastructure on an existing farm on South Old State Road in Georgetown.

Federal Consistency Determinations Submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program

The USDA, Farm Service Agency, proposes to provide financial assistance for the purchase of an existing poultry operation with residence at 24735 Nine Foot Road, Millsboro.

Poultry Loan Program

The State Revolving Fund (SRF) Agricultural Nonpoint Source ( AgNPSLP) Loan Program provides a source of low interest financing for managing poultry manure, dead poultry, and other sources of poultry related pollution in an environmentally sound and cost effective manner.

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