
Cost Share Program Questions and Answers

A list of frequently asked questions, and answers, about the phragmites control cost-share program offered by the Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Are tax ditches eligible for this program?

The program is not eligible for tax ditches since this program involves helicopter application of the herbicide. Landowners can contact their respective County Conservation Districts to inquire about possible financial assistance on these water courses.

How much Phragmites do I need to qualify?

Landowners must have between 5 and 200 acres of Phragmites on their property to treat, not just 5-200 acres of property. Larger acreages can be included provided funding is available. The landowner does not have to treat all of the Phragmites on their property and can choose an amount that fits their budget. Keep in mind that the Phragmites left will serve as a
source for spreading.

What about the Phragmites left after the helicopter application?

The Division does not offer ground application services or financial assistance for the Phragmites that cannot be treated by air. The Division provides technical advice on how the landowner can do the job themselves and maintains a list of commercial applicators that landowners can contact themselves.

Will the herbicide used kill other plants?

The herbicide used is broad-spectrum and has the potential to injure or kill any green vegetation it comes in contact with. The Division uses a helicopter (as opposed to a fixed-wing aircraft) to minimize spray drift onto desirable plants. A no-spray buffer zone can be established around sensitive areas if the landowner contacts the Division prior to the spraying. The Division reserves the right not to spray in areas with a lot of houses, buildings, landscaping, etc. to avoid potential problems.

When will I get my bill?

Bills are sent out from the Kent Conservation District after all Phragmites spraying is done statewide. Usually they are sent out in October or November of each year.

Does the cost stay the same each year?

The Division has to bid out the contracts for helicopter services and chemicals each year, so the price generally increases slightly.
