
Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the 707 South Union Street Site (DE-1740)

Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances

Published: Aug. 22, 2021
Comments Due: Sept. 13, 2021

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up the 707 South Union Street Site located in Wilmington. The Site has formerly operated as a gas station but is currently a commercial shopping center The Proposed Plan includes the requirements of a restriction on property use (non-residential) and groundwater use. It also requires the implementation of a Contaminated Materials Management Plan and Long-term Stewardship Plan to monitor groundwater.

Details of the Proposed Plan are available at the DNREC office located at 391 Lukens Drive, New Castle, Delaware, or online at:

The comment period ends on September 13, 2021. For additional information, please contact Caleb Melvin, Project Manager at (302) 395-2600 or via email at
