
Resource Protection Section

The Resource Protection Section evaluates and protects Delaware’s water resources through technical assistance, field monitoring and sampling services, regulatory implementation, and standardizing processes for the Division’s inspection, compliance, and enforcement actions. 

Professional Licensing

The division oversees licensing for wastewater system operators, professionals involved in on-site wastewater treatment systems, liquid waste transporters and well installers.

Resource Evaluation and Protection

The Resource Evaluation and Protection program provides data coordination assistance to other programs in the Division of Water and monitors ambient water quality saltwater intrusion.

The Planning and Legal group provides technical, legal and data resources to the Division of Water.


The Section actively pursues grant funding for projects to address issues of concern.

Compliance and Enforcement

The Compliance and Enforcement Program oversees inspections and enforcement for permits issued by the DNREC Division of Water.

Section Leadership

Resource Protection Section Manager
Scott Figurski

Compliance and Enforcement
Colleen Slater

Division of Water Licensing

Resource Evaluation and Protection
